05 April 2009

Adsense: Unacceptable site content

Sekedar info saja sih, itung2 curhat pribadi gitu. saya kan orang baru nih di dunia bolg-blog-an, hehe...jadi berhubung saya baru belajar blog, bisa juga disebut newbie di bidang perblog-an, jadi saya belum tau persis gimana prosedur yang bener buat daftar Adsense di google adsense, walhasil yah sudah saya belum di approve.
Adsense ngirim email yang isinya kurang lebih gini:

"Unacceptable site content: In order to participate in Google AdSense,
your website and application information must meet the following

- Your website must be your own top-level domain (www.example.com
rather than www.example.com/mysite).
- Your domain must have been registered and active for at least 6
months before you apply for AdSense.
- You must provide accurate personal information with your application
that matches the information on your domain registration.
- Your website must contain substantial, original content.
- Your site must comply with Google AdSense program policies
(https://www.google.com/adsense/policies?hl=en_US), which include
Google's webmaster quality guidelines:
http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=35769&hl=en_US#quality .

If your site satisfies the above criteria in the future, please
resubmit your application and we'll review it as soon as possible."

Itu mungkin bisa jadi pelajaran buat saya biar lebih kreatif bikin postingan yang bagus, aktual, enak dibaca dan gak asal-asalan sih yang paling penting nya tuh.
Mungkin lain kali kalau blog ni dah bener2 serius diurus, bisa kayaknya buat daftar adsense lagi.

1 comment:

  1. mun sayah mah Dan ngan ngahosting di my-php.net trus install joomla + sample data na, daftar ka Google Adsense, ditarima weh. Kitu. Sharing wungkul, duka ayeuna cara eta masih bisa nteu.


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